

In the annals of anime's genesis, few milestones shine as brightly as Toei Doga's epoch-making masterpiece, _Hakujaden_. While animation historians may shy away from pinning the label of "first" onto any single work, preferring instead to excavate the depths of ancient Japanese animation history, a pragmatic starting point emerges in the form of this groundbreaking film. _Hakujaden_ not only holds the distinction of being Japan's first full-length animated feature for commercial release but also Asia's maiden venture into full-color animation. Its significance, however, transcends these titles, as it marked the birth of an entire industry that persists in vitality to this day.


Rather than celebrate _Hakujaden_ solely for its chronological precedence, its true importance lies in igniting the explosive growth of Japan's animator workforce and fostering a deep-seated national enchantment with animated entertainment. For a comprehensive exploration of the pre-_Hakujaden_ era, John Clements' tome, _Anime: A History_, offers invaluable insights.

Premiering in 1958, _Hakujaden_ dazzled audiences with its unapologetic beauty, crafted meticulously from 214,154 frames, each a testament to the film's impeccable production quality. The project was conceived in 1956, inspired by a Sino-Japanese co-production titled _Madame White Snake_, itself an adaptation of the timeless Chinese folk tale. This ambitious undertaking became the maiden voyage for Toei Animation, a newly minted subsidiary under the visionary leadership of Hiroshi Okawa, founder of Toei Company.

Toei, rooted within the Tokyo Yokohama Railway conglomerate, capitalized on its cinema network adjacent to train stations, targeting a demographic of women and children. The resounding success of the colorized _Snow White_ in Japan in 1950, coupled with the emerging potential of animated advertisements on public television post-1953, fueled Okawa's aspirations to create an "Eastern Disney." Thus, Toei Animation was born, with _Hakujaden_ serving as its flagship project.

While the live-action _Madame White Snake_ benefited from cross-border collaboration with Hong Kong, _Hakujaden_ was a purely domestic endeavor, embodying Japan's nascent yet potent animation prowess. Over two years of meticulous development, Toei Animation not only crafted a cinematic marvel but also nurtured a cadre of new animators, laying the foundation for an industry that would soon captivate the world. In essence, _Hakujaden_ is not just a film; it's a testament to the origins of an empire, where the dreams of a few sparked a creative revolution that continues to flourish.

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