

Far from a critique of the film itself, this piece is a direct rejoinder to the article titled “I Would Not Recommend This to Any Woman,” addressing its author directly with a series of questions and observations.


It's unsettling to realize that the harsh criticisms leveled at the female characters in the film were penned by someone who shares their gender. The author’s tone seems to overlook the very essence of the movie, which is to depict the myriad challenges faced by women in today’s society through the lens of Nüshu, an ancient script unique to women.

Using the pronoun "you" throughout, we aim our remarks at the author of the aforementioned piece. In the film, we see how Nüshu has become a lifeline for Hu Xin, Si Mu, and Grandma He Yanxin, three women whose lives have been profoundly impacted by this script. They've endured societal prejudices and patriarchal constraints, only to find liberation and sisterhood through Nüshu. Yet, these aspects seem to have eluded you entirely. Is it the film that fails to convey its message, or is there something about your perspective that prevents you from seeing these narratives?

The movie offers a rich tapestry of experiences and emotions, beyond the narrow scope of your critique. For a more nuanced understanding, consider the insights shared by the Douban user @EyesOnMe: https://movie.douban.com/review/14735798/?dt_dapp=1. Their commentary delves into the deeper meanings and the broader social implications woven into the narrative, highlighting the film’s multifaceted portrayal of women’s struggles and triumphs.

Despite the author's dismissive stance, the film presents a poignant exploration of female resilience and solidarity. It showcases how Nüshu serves not just as a form of communication but as a symbol of resistance against oppression. Through the eyes of Hu Xin, Si Mu, and Grandma He Yanxin, we witness the transformative power of this ancient tradition. Each woman’s story is a testament to the strength found in sisterhood, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the face of adversity.

The movie is a celebration of these women’s journeys, their triumphs, and their sorrows. It invites us to reflect on the complex layers of identity and the diverse experiences that shape our understanding of femininity. While the original article seems to overlook these themes, the film itself is a compelling narrative that deserves a closer look, free from preconceived notions and biases.

In the end, the film stands as a powerful statement about the enduring spirit of women and the unbreakable bonds they share. It is a reminder that every story matters, and that sometimes, to truly understand a narrative, one must look beyond the surface. We encourage viewers to engage with the film on their own terms, to appreciate the nuances and the beauty within, and to find their own meaning in the stories told through the lens of Nüshu.

未经允许不得转载:七弟电影 » 别拿女权当幌子伤害纪录片里的妹子——《密语者》影评