

With this critique of "The Disentangled Cicada" (hereafter referred to as "The Disentangled Cicada"), I aim to highlight some of the narrative inconsistencies and plot holes, while also recognizing aspects that were not covered in previous brief reviews. For those who appreciate my positive take on "The Disentangled Cicada," please refer to my earlier short review. Be warned, this critique contains extensive spoilers which may affect your viewing experience, especially if you have yet to watch or plan on watching "The Cicada" anime series.


Let's start with the positives. One of the most striking elements of "The Disentangled Cicada" is its character development. Each character has a unique personality and design, but what stands out even more is the attention to detail in their speech patterns. For example, Rena frequently ends her sentences with "kn kn," while Rika uses "mipaa mipaa" to playfully defuse awkward situations. Hanyu, when embarrassed or upset, lets out an "ah uuu" sound. These quirks give each character a distinctive charm and contribute significantly to their popularity. It's rare to find such depth in character design in today's anime, making "The Disentangled Cicada" stand out among its contemporaries. Mentioning characters, it’s worth noting Akane Tsuru, the antagonist. Despite being on the opposing side due to her tragic backstory, she is well-crafted and complex. Her actions, though extreme, are driven by a deep-seated desire for change. She is one of the most compelling antagonists in recent memory.

Now, onto the critique of the plot. A significant issue with "The Disentangled Cicada" lies in the cyclical nature of Rika's experiences over centuries in Hinamizawa. The root cause of her endless loop seems to be her reluctance to deviate from her established behavior and thought patterns. For instance, Rika could have disclosed everything to her friends early on, encouraging them to get vaccinated against Hinamizawa Syndrome. Given the strong bond between the main characters, they would likely believe her story. Instead, she repeatedly follows the same course of action, such as waiting until Satoko becomes ill before taking decisive action. This approach inevitably perpetuates the cycle of tragedy. Rika often attributes these events to fate, only changing her mindset after Keiichi prompts her to break free from destiny. This has led to criticisms of Rika's passive attitude, which I now fully understand. In the "Awakening Misfortune" arc, Rika appears lethargic and lacks initiative, contributing to the sense that she's resigned to her fate. While she is less passive in the "Massacre" arc, she becomes more irritable and inconsistent, sometimes adopting Beren's voice instead of her own.

The "Massacre" arc, in particular, is a low point for "The Disentangled Cicada." The plot feels forced, with all the characters suddenly remembering past cycles, which contrasts sharply with previous episodes where only Keiichi retained memories. The arc also lacks the suspense and horror that defined earlier parts of the series. For example, Keiichi's efforts to organize a protest at the Child Welfare Center seem unnecessary; he could have simply used Fūzaburō's camera to document Teppei's abuse of Satoko, providing evidence to authorities. The escalation of events, involving the entire community, feels out of place and does not align with the tone of "The Cicada."

Furthermore, there are issues with the pacing and unresolved plot points. The Special Forces, equipped with firearms, choose not to use them, allowing Akai to overpower them. Despite being well-trained, they are easily defeated by traps set by children and even cower in fear of ghost stories. The Special Forces appear significantly weakened compared to earlier portrayals. Additionally, a plot thread from the first season's "Sacrifice" arc remains unaddressed—the identity of a body found in a bag is never revealed, leaving viewers hanging. The transformation of Hanyu into human form is another mystery left unexplained.

Despite these shortcomings and plot holes, "The Disentangled Cicada" remains a beloved series. Its memorable characters, themes of friendship, unity, and perseverance continue to resonate. Even decades from now, I believe it will still be regarded as a timeless classic in the world of anime.

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