



The English title of this film, Pig at the Crossing, uses the term "Crossing" in a way that, at first glance, appears straightforward and fitting both linguistically and thematically. However, upon viewing the narrative unfold on screen, it becomes clear that director Khyentse's use of "Crossing" is multifaceted and extends beyond the literal meaning of "crossroads." This piece aims to explore these various layers of meaning embedded within the term "Crossing."

(Note: This article will not delve into specific cinematic techniques or cinematography, as such topics warrant separate discussion. Additionally, except where necessary for argumentation, Buddhist scriptures will not be cited.)


"Crossing" as "Crossroads": This is the most obvious interpretation, and the one reflected in the Chinese title, referring to the intersection where two roads meet in the shape of a cross. In the context of the plot, Deki, a married teacher, embarks on an affair with Dolom, a new teacher about to start his post. When Deki suspects she might be pregnant, Dolom heads to the market to buy a pregnancy test. Director Khyentse chose the bustling market as the setting for the opening sequence, using a static long take that lasts over five minutes. Following the purchase, on his way back to deliver the test to Deki, Dolom collides head-on with an SUV while attempting to overtake another vehicle, leading to his untimely demise and the beginning of his intermediate state between lives.

未经允许不得转载:七弟电影 » 《十字路口的猪》:解读那些交错的意义